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ACT Aspire Reading: Reporting Supporting Details 3 Views
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The author describes early experiences in the life of Lewis Carroll and asserts a connection between these experiences and his literary work. How does the author reach these conclusions? Using two details from the passage, evaluate the author's support for these arguments.
- 00:03
Okay Aspiring readers Here's the long one essay time Yeah
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the author describes early experiences in the life of lewis
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carroll and asserts a connection between these experiences and his
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literary work How does the author reached these conclusions using
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to details from the passage evaluate the author's support for
Full Transcript
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these arguments Let's see How about if we say The
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author says that the influence of carol's mother can be
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seen in the most beautiful and touching passages of his
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works The author supports this point with a quotation about
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her sweet and gentle character and another quotation from a
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friend who agrees that his mother influenced his character well
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The end of the passage The author also described carol
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strange diversions with animals you know as a boy and
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suggest that he already lived in that charming wonderland that
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he later wrote about Well in both cases the author
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refers to people and events from carol's life and provides
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good support for the argument Think about it as a
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child lewis carroll did some weird stuff in his free
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time And there's some weird stuff analysis adventures in wonderland
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so it's not unreasonable to draw connections between his experiences
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and his work Arguments involving biographical evidence tend to be
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somewhat speculative right But the author does a good job
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of supporting his claims about influences on carroll's work with
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references to his life Got it So for the full
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three points we gotta identify the author's conclusions about the
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influences on girls work description of the author's notes with
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evidence and you know state of claim about the author's
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use of evidence to support the argument about carroll's work
- 01:38
So yeah we did all that We get a three 00:01:40.067 --> [endTime] Thankyou very freaking much
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