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ACT Aspire Reading: Comparing the Biographies of Two Authors 0 Views
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Compare the way that Lewis Carroll's biographer and Robert Louis Stevenson's biographer describe how the authors entertained themselves as children. Providing details from the passage and the excerpt, describe one similarity and one difference.
- 00:02
Okay Ccs fires last one ten of ten right here
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Let's jump in Think about the proceeding passage as you
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read the following excerpt The excerpt describes the early life
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of robert louis stevenson author of treasure island The little
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louis was from his earliest babyhood a very delicate child
Full Transcript
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and only the most constant and tender care of his
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devoted mother and nurse enabled him to survive those first
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years which must have been so full of anxiety to
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his parents But this small lad had a sweet temper
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and an unselfish contented disposition and so he bore the
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burden of his bad health Is bravely in those days
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as he did in after years and made for himself
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plays in pleasures with his nimble brain while his weary
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body was often tired and restless in that bed where
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of he had so much his mother used to describe
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with the same graphic touch that gives life to all
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her son wrote the bright games the little fellow invented
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for himself when he was well enough to be up
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and about and tell how in a corner of the
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room he made for himself a wonder world all his
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own in which heroes and heroines of romance loved and
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fought and walked and talked at the bidding of the
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wizard and frakking pinna for okay Compare the way that
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lewis carroll's biographer and robert louis stevenson's biographer described how
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the author's entertain themselves as children providing details from the
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passage and the excerpt described one similarity and one difference
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all right Both biographers described the way the author's created
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their own imaginary worlds as children Carol's biographer says young
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carol made pets of the most odd and unlikely animals
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and encouraged civilized warfare among earthworms Right Well stevenson's biographer
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tells how young stephenson invented games and made a wonder
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world all his own with heroes and heroines One difference
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is that carol's biographer relates the author's childhood play to
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his literary world saying that carol lived in that charming
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wonderland from his famous work Stevenson's biographer simply describes the
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boys playtime activities without making such a claim Yeah it's
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a good thing that young robert look at stephenson didn't
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frolic around playing with snail toads and earth warm since
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he was such a you know delicate child well that
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might have been harnessed health It's also growth Both biographers
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spend time detail in the author's childhood playtime activities and
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describing their imaginary worlds But only carol's biographer relates this
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part of the author's childhood to his literary work So
- 02:20
we're done That was a lovely romp through wonderland things
- 02:24
with weird animals ten of ten and you will see
- 02:27
on the next one
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