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ACT Aspire English: Maintaining a Consistent Style and Tone 0 Views
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really nicely
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really nicely
- 00:05
Really nicely Yeah that's were focused on here A c
- 00:08
t s fire shmoop fur's really nicely Who says that
- 00:12
It's good on paragraph three were on six of twelve
- 00:15
I didn't speak any spanish at first but within a
- 00:17
year i was completely fluent Everything happened in slow motion
Full Transcript
- 00:21
in our little coastal town We were the only foreigners
- 00:24
in town but people welcomed us really nicely How does
- 00:28
that feel All right There's got to be some changes
- 00:31
there Well here the author is trying to convey how
- 00:35
welcoming the people in panama were The phrase with open
- 00:38
arms doesn't mean that everyone in panama was literally standing
- 00:42
at the airport with their arms wide open Instead the
- 00:45
phrase means to give a very warm welcome right which
- 00:48
is what the author probably intended The other choice is
- 00:51
there also fine grammatically speaking but they lack the clarity
- 00:53
and sophistication of the idiomatic expression arms wide open or
- 00:58
with open arms Got it So with style questions you
- 01:02
gotta look for the simplest and most effective way to
- 01:04
communicate what the offer is trying to say While staying
- 01:07
consistent with the style and tone of the passage like
- 01:10
this one is not super formal In fact it's really
- 01:13
informal So using idioms like with open arms like we
- 01:17
see in b which is the right answer here kind
- 01:20
of fits And then it would read We were the
- 01:22
only foreigners in town but people welcomed us with open
- 01:26
arms Big hug their big like the end of an
- 01:29
abc sitcom big hug
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