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ACT Aspire Videos 268 videos
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ACT Aspire Reading: Identifying the Author's Point of View about Her Neighbors 6 Views
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The narrator appears to view the people of Dunnet Landing with:
The narrator appears to view the people of Dunnet Landing with:
- 00:03
Okay people question eight of ten in our little spire
- 00:07
foray here reading country of the pointed first the narrator
- 00:11
appears to view the people of done it Landing with
- 00:14
what It's well the narrator is an outsider but an
- 00:21
outsider who's lived among the people have done it landing
Full Transcript
- 00:24
She knows so much that she doesn't need to be
- 00:27
curious She has nothing to be concerned about And well
- 00:31
she's not remotely contemptuous And she likes the town and
- 00:35
is interested in it Inhabitant So yeah kind of affectionate
- 00:38
and interested So what do you know That's a that's
- 00:41
it We're affectionately interested in getting to the end here 00:00:44.405 --> [endTime] We only have two more
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