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ACT Aspire Videos 268 videos
Which of the following sentences provides the best description of the events in the passage?
Lucy runs to the edge of Kensington Gardens because...
Immediately before Lucy lays her hand on her father's knee, she was...
ACT Aspire English: "Their" vs. "His or Her" 6 Views
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to record their album
- 00:01
Okay Shmoop furs Next up three of twelve in the
- 00:04
technology changing the music industry saga Here we go So
- 00:08
i'm going to go down to the second paragraph now
- 00:10
not re read for a ninety eight time the first
- 00:13
paragraph Record companies used to advance some money to an
Full Transcript
- 00:18
artist to record their album and then they would deduce
- 00:24
the advance from the proceeds of album sales Yeah what
- 00:27
we'll get to that next problem when we come to
- 00:29
it we're focused right here to record their album So
- 00:35
there's an artist recording their album maybe multiple personalities What
- 00:40
do you think We've got a plurality problem here Well
- 00:43
the subject doing the verb here to record here Yeah
- 00:47
that thing is an artist which is singular One of
- 00:51
them one artist But the word there is plural even
- 00:55
though it is a pronoun that supposed to refer back
- 00:57
to the subject here since subject pronoun agreement means making
- 01:02
sure that a subject and it's pronoun match in number
- 01:05
and gender This isn't exactly the friendliest combination around here
- 01:10
His or her is singular and it refers to a
- 01:13
singular artist so that's the best choice like you know
- 01:17
you could be singing about lady gaga right Like so
- 01:20
a record companies advance some money to an artist who
- 01:23
record lady gaga's album just for right right So the
- 01:27
answer is c to record his over album and the
- 01:30
losers here let's just kind of cruise through the plural
- 01:33
There is incorrect because the subject doing the verb it's
- 01:36
singular in the throne in which suggested subject isn't a
- 01:39
person's don't get rid of the there Which brings us
- 01:42
to another point A person is always a hoot and
- 01:45
never a witch And if we're talking about an actual
- 01:48
spell casting broom flying ing incredibly artistic which like stevie
- 01:53
nicks well that might be a different story But yeah
- 01:55
we're moving on The answer is c back
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