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ACT Aspire Reading: Identifying the Main Point of a Specific Paragraph 7 Views
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What is the main purpose of the second paragraph?
What is the main purpose of the second paragraph?
- 00:02
Okay Ccs buying reading shmoop er's Here we go five
- 00:04
of ten What is the main purpose of the second
- 00:08
paragraph The main idea is that amphibians are gross and
- 00:18
they exhibit quote highly specialized adaptations to the harsh glacier
- 00:23
climate Second paragraph supports the main idea of the passage
Full Transcript
- 00:25
by giving an example of an amphibian adaptation namely internal
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fertilisation The paragraphs not a counter example of the argument
- 00:33
given in the first paragraph mostly because well there isn't
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an argument in the first paragraph So get rid of
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beak Many ideas don't always need to be arguments Sometimes
- 00:40
their statements of fact It's also not a transition between
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one frog species Do another skipper to see there's no
- 00:45
frogger jumping action happening Your third paragraph still about the
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tailed frog The second paragraph also doesn't provide summary of
- 00:52
the adaptation of one species right So get rid of
- 00:55
deep paragraph discusses the tailed frog adaptations that has helped
- 00:59
with mating and the next paragraph goes into further detail
- 01:01
The second paragraph is not a summary of all cool
- 01:04
evolutionary transformations of the tailed frog in one paragraph It's
- 01:08
just kind of linking through so that's it It's an
- 01:10
example It's a the end
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