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ACT Aspire English: "Most" vs. "More" 1 Views
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responsible for the most
- 00:03
Ok ta aspiring and test takers here We've got another
- 00:08
section for you to read Great Like sharks Yes it's
- 00:11
sharply done Shmoop and flushing in there All right we're
- 00:15
on one of twelve and then one Let's just get
- 00:17
right down to it I'm going to focus on responsible
Full Transcript
- 00:20
for the most right there title here We always pay
- 00:23
heavy attention to it has great whites or well heavy
- 00:26
fearsome killers Or simply misunderstood like the nice guys of
- 00:30
the water All right everything is released causing jaws Great
- 00:33
white shark's been oily food of cold blooded killer just
- 00:35
waiting for its next human meal Living in a house
- 00:38
shark attacks didn't refute our fears may appear to be
- 00:40
well founded Great white is responsible for the most fatal
- 00:44
attacks on humans than other species of sharks Well it's
- 00:46
thinking about inserts scary jaws music here You know start
- 00:58
Um a nothing Or if you're feeling slightly a sprightly
- 01:02
or try the remix Yeah you know don't know Don't
- 01:05
never mind We'll stop right here The author compares attacks
- 01:09
by great whites on humans to the attacks by other
- 01:13
species of shark presumably also on human Well later on
- 01:17
in the sentence the word van is another hint that
- 01:20
we're dealing with a comparison between two things We can't
- 01:24
zoom to the superlative and say responsible for the most
- 01:28
attacks than any other species Right So get rid of
- 01:32
a there is going to be a change Nor can
- 01:35
we say responsible for the highest attacks than any other
- 01:39
species which is bad grammar and relate Sue the laws
- 01:42
that were legalized in california in two thousand sixteen Greater
- 01:46
suggests a comparison but its usage is typically restricted to
- 01:51
the comparison between numbers Just doesn't work here Since we
- 01:55
don't specify that were referring to greater numbers of attacks
- 01:59
like that What defines a great white All right So
- 02:02
anyway the best answer is c responsible form or the
- 02:07
sense would read there The great white is responsible for
- 02:11
mohr fatal attacks on humans than other species of sharks
- 02:15
That's it we're seeing We're getting out of the water
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