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ACT Aspire Reading: Describing the Author's Characterization of Lewis Carroll 0 Views
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According to the passage, as a boy Lewis Carroll could best be described as:
According to the passage, as a boy Lewis Carroll could best be described as:
- 00:02
All right spyros Moving on down the road Here we
- 00:05
go According to the passage is a boy Lewis carroll
- 00:08
could best be described as what Any kid who is
- 00:16
b f f's with a toad and it's highly interested
- 00:19
in worm combat You must have some imagination While carol's
Full Transcript
- 00:24
childhood home is described as isolated the first sentence tells
- 00:28
us he had ten siblings so we doubt he was
- 00:31
lonely and get rid of sea And the author of
- 00:33
alice's adventures in wonderland must have been intelligent But that's
- 00:38
not described in the passage and he clearly enjoyed playing
- 00:41
but he's never described is not here So give it
- 00:43
a so be imaginative Yeah if you had wonderland roaming 00:00:46.964 --> [endTime] around in your brain we'd call you imaginative too
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