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ACT Aspire Reading: Recognizing the Author's Point of View 2 Views
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The author's attitude toward Carroll appears to be mostly:
The author's attitude toward Carroll appears to be mostly:
- 00:03
Okay Ccs bank shmoop er's and wonderland here we go
- 00:06
eight of ten the author's attitude toward carol appears to
- 00:10
be mostly what there's no doubt that this biographer considers
- 00:18
carol interesting is you know a biographer Well probably should
- 00:21
or their kind of wasting their time but he shows
Full Transcript
- 00:23
no indications of being critical or concerned like carol dead
- 00:28
So what does he have to be concerned about For
- 00:30
amused so just be The author is intrigued by this
- 00:34
weird guys the life in times and you know writing
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