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ACT Aspire English: Punctuating Dependent Clauses 2 Views
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single songs; so this practice
- 00:03
Okay Ask firing english literary people nine of twelve Here
- 00:08
we go Technologies forever changed music industry We're going to
- 00:11
go to single songs So this practice down here with
- 00:15
skin paragraph three the days ago in the back story
- 00:18
by moment long gone through that maintain their existence in
Full Transcript
- 00:20
no way the rector of computing digital movie people nowadays
- 00:22
no longer store their musical in whatever you choose Active
- 00:25
internet Well few thinking mom shmoop anymore Although some people
- 00:28
do still by entire albums streaming services allow people to
- 00:32
have ready access to single songs So this practice has
- 00:37
become more common All right well let's think about this
- 00:41
Is that akamas at a semi colon From well as
- 00:45
written the sentence uses a semicolon to separate the two
- 00:49
clauses in question Unfortunately the conjunction So at the beginning
- 00:53
of the second clause there means that it depends on
- 00:56
an independent claws to form a complete sentence Hence the
- 00:59
incredibly original name of dependent clause No relation to santa
- 01:04
we treat semi colons is amateur periods Yeah What comes
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after a semicolon needs to be able to stand on
- 01:11
its own as a complete thought Since that's not the
- 01:14
case here could replace the semicolon with a comma and
- 01:18
go on with our lives But wait The conjunction is
- 01:21
important but implies a contradiction that doesn't exist and therefore
- 01:27
is a conjunction Adverb that doesn't connect to clauses with
- 01:31
a comma So neither of these the correct choice So
- 01:34
see andy just kind of get it pointed immediately So
- 01:36
yeah the answer is b single songs comma So this
- 01:40
practice has become more common All right that's it We're 00:01:43.402 --> [endTime] done
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